Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The obesity crisis

Obesity is a growing public health concern. Multiple studies have evaluated not only adverse health effects caused by obesity but also direct and indirect medical cost associated with it. In a ten-year period (1999-2010) one in three Americans were categorized as obese.  The classification used to define (and grade) obesity may vary between experts. The WHO (World Health Organization) uses a 1-3 grading system based on BMI (body mas index) whereas some experts define obesity based on the percentage of body fat generally (greater than 25%). However it is defined it is a health risk that is associated with - and can lead to - other medical conditions form asthma to varicose veins, but is of particular importance when the heart, brain or endocrine/metabolic systems are involved - more on this later. Lifestyle modification is the first course of action and the foundation of the treatment of obesity. The major components of the modification (diet, exercise, and behavior therapy) have been documented to significantly reduce weight and reduce the risk of developing diabetes (a major complication linked to obesity). In one study the effects of weight loss and the attendant glucose control lowered cardiovascular (heart) risk following the modification and the benefits were still evident four years later 1.  It is little wonder that public health experts spend so much effort trying to create public policy – requiring disclosure of calorie counts in foods, and size limits of sugar containing drinks - that will stem the tide of obesity. But should food and drink consumption be dictated by healthcare policy decisions? This is a matter of public debate for policy and public health experts, but in my opinion prudent restraints limiting excessive consumption can’t hurt. After all you can be refused alcohol if you are visibly intoxicated.

Practically speaking life style modification is much easier to advocate that to actually accomplish. Factors including poverty, education, and socioeconomic status have been linked to obesity. Although the research is not conclusive in this area, there is a relationship between family income, food insecurity and obesity. And in certain populations there is a direct link between poverty and obesity in children and adolescents2. Is there really a link between poverty, food insecurity and obesity? Food security is the availability of safe, consumable, and sufficient food. Food insecurity is the opposite where the possibility of hunger and even starvation may exist. The recent financial crisis of 2008 resulted in a rise in food insecurity in the U.S. One report sites up to 14.5% of households as food insecure in 2012 (four years after the crisis) with households of single parents, and Black and Hispanic households being higher than the general population 3. In poorer neighborhoods it is easier to satisfy a calorie requirement with readily available fast food that are cheap and maybe available 24/7 than higher nutritional foods such as fruits, vegetables, and high value proteins, which may be in short supply, and at a premium. Persons that derive their calories form high calorie low nutritional value meals not only suffer the effects of the poor nutrition but are also at risk for obesity. And the wonderful produce that comes to the local farmers market once or twice a week is often not found in inner city and if it is the cost of those foods may be prohibitive to poorer populations. So the high calorie fast food though satisfying and relative inexpensive is more the food of necessity and less of choice. These are sociopolitical issues that go far beyond the scope of this post. These and other questions both social scientist and medical scientist will have to work through. For now public healthcare advocates will continue to advise on prudent management of the modifiable risk (calorie consumption and exercise). We must watch what we eat (within financial means) and we must also promote exercise and healthy activities i.e. Get Active work out, popularized by the First Lady and the NFL Play 60 that will help burn the calories. Hopefully the socioeconomic issues will be addresses by our lawmakers in a judicious and equitable manner.

1- Circulation. 2012 March 6; 125(9): 1157–1170

2- JAMA.  2012; 307(5):491-7 (ISSN: 1538-3598).org

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