Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Obesity commentary

After posting on obesity and some of its consequences, I’ve received mixed responses (on and offline) with feedback like... “informative and interesting” implying, politely, that they read the piece but were not moved to further comment. What I was hoping for is commentary from persons that have a vested interest in the topic, skin in the game if you will, to give their opinion or tell their story on some aspects of the points raised.  Although there is not a lot of glamor in the topic (obesity and its consequences) it is a public health concern. But equally important is the fact (as made in one of the post) that there are many solicitations out there that try to market weight loss to improve body image and improve social life in a quick - painless – way without the discipline needed for true sustained weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. These methods often do not have the science to back them and are often misleading. The next post will be on the metabolic syndrome.  This is a constellation of conditions including obesity, hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, and derangements of cholesterol (good and bad). These conditions when present together form the perfect storm for the development of heart disease, kidney disease and stroke.

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